Sunday, October 11, 2015

Specimen #5: Wolf's Milk Slime Mold

Lycogala epidendrum
Figure 1. Lycogala epidendrum

Figure 2. Lycogala epidendrum spore mass

Phylum: Mycetozoa
Species: Lycogala epidendrum
Common name: Wolf's Milk Slime Mold
Collection date: 10/8/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat:This specimen was found on moist deadwood in the old growth forest of the James H. Barrow Field Station.
Description: When originally collected, this specimen was a pinkish salmon color, but the next day it had become grayish black (fig. 1).
Key used: Keller, H. W. et al. (1999). Mycomycetes of Ohio: Their systematics, biology and use in teaching. Columbus, Oh; Ohio Biological Survey, College of Biological Sciences, and The Ohio State University.

Key to the Order of Myxomycetes
1. Spores borne internally within fructifications as a  powdery spore mass surrounded by an acellular peridium...
2. Fruiting bodies larger and of various types and shapes, either sessile or stalked; not with the above combination of characters...
3. Capillitium typically absent or, if present, as pseudocapillitium...

Liceales p.52
1. Capillitial threads typically absent, when present as pseudocapillitium, then consisting f wide tubules plates or bristles lacking ornamentation; fructifications sporangiate, pseudoaethaloid,or aethaliod...
2. Fruitifications variable in size and type, sporangiate and minute pseudo-aethalioid to aethalioid and large, conspicuous; pseudocapillitium or dictydine granules may be present...
7. Fructification a pseudoaethalium with noticeabe remains of individual sporangia...
9.Pseudoaethalium of fused sporangia with persistent sporangial walls; hypothallus conspicuous, massive, forming a stalk or cushion under a cluster of sporangia...

p. 62 Lycogala epidendrum

For more information on  Lycogala epidendrum please review the following links:

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