Tuesday, November 17, 2015

#20 Flavoparmelia


Figure 1. Upper cortex of Flavoparmelia with soredia

Figure 2. K- upper cortex of Flavoparmelia

Figure 3. White medulla of Flavoparmelia

Figure 4. lower cortex and rhizines of Flavoparmelia//

Phylum: Ascomycota
Family: Parmeliaceae
Genus: Flavoparmelia
Collection date: October 2015
Collector: Willa Scharlu
Habitat: Found growing upon moss in South Russell, Ohio
Description: This foliose lichen. The upper cortex is a grayish green. Soredia are fairly common. The medulla is white. The lower cortex is a dark brown, and the rhizines are numerous and brown.  It is K- and C+.
Key used: Showman, R. E. & D. G. Flenniken. (2004). The macrolichens of Ohio. Columbus, Oh; Ohio Biological Survey.

1. Thallus foliose...
2. Thallus some shade of gray, green, yellow-green, brown, or black; not as above...
4. Thallus thick or thin, not gelatinous when wet; white medullary fibers usually apparent; color various...
6. Rhizines present from lower surface (may be massed as a felty mat or umbilicate)...
11. Perithecia absent; apothecia, if present, saucer-shaped and superficial on the surface of the thallus...
13. Thallus not umbilicate, broadly  attached to the substrate with scattered rhizines; onrock, soil, or bark...
15. Thallus containing green algae...
19. Medulla white or whitish, sometimes stained pale buff or pink due to aging, chemicals, or weathering...
24. Thallus various, but without paw-shape or fist-shaped lobe tips...
26. Lower surface with sparse to moderate or occasionally nmerous rhizines, variable in color and length but not forming a uniform , brown, velvety nap...
28. Upper cortex K- or K+ yellow (atranorin); lobes variable in width...
29. Lower surface with a cortex throughtout; lobes narrow or broad; K+ or K-...
30. Thallus without pores, may be uniform or variously cracked, ridged, or white-maculate...
35. Thallus yellow-green in color, usnic acid present...
56. Lobes quite broad, appically round, 3-10 mm wide...
57. Margins of lobes not ciliate...
58. Upper surface without white pores; medulla C-, or C+...


For more information on Flavoparmelia please review the following links:

Specimen #19 Coral Tooth Fungi

Hericium coralloides

Figure 1. Hericium coralloides from above

Figure 2. Hericium coralloides

Figure 3. Individual spine of Hericium coralloides

Figure 4. Hericium coralloides
This picture was borrowed from arkive.org at http://www.arkive.org/coral-tooth/hericium-coralloides/image-A2475.html

Phylum: Basidiomycota
Family: Hericiaceae
Species: Hericum coralloides
Common name: Coral Tooth Fungi
Collection date:10/8/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This specimen was found growing on hardwood logs at the James H. Barrow Field Station.
Description: This fungi was found growing on hardwood logs at the James H. Barrow Field Station. It is composed of many spines on branches that look similar to icicles (fig. 1 - 4). The spines of this specimen are up to 2 cm in length. The spines produce spores (fig. 3). When first collected, it was white (fig. 4), but slowly turned a darker yellow-gray with time.
Key used: Arora, D. (1986). Mushrooms demystified: A comprehensive guide to fleshy fungi (2nd ed.). Berkley: Ten Speed Press.

Key to the Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body curiously shaped...

Fruiting body bearing its spores on downward-pointing spines or "teeth"; spines either lining the underside of a cap or suspended like icicles from a cushion of tissue or a branched framework; stalk present or absent; on ground or wood...

Teeth Fungi, p. 611
1. Not as above; not growing on cones; talk if present usually thicker...
2. Not as above...
3. Growing on wood...
4. Fruiting body a branched framework or unbranched cushion of tissue from which spines are suspended (i.e. icicle-like); lacking a distinct cap...

Hericium, p. 613
1. Fruiting body branched, the spines hanging from the branches or branch tips (sometimes scarcely branched and very compact, but if so, then usually growing on conifers)...
2. Growing mainly on hardwoods; fruiting body white when fresh (but may turn yellowish in age); widely distributed...
3. Not as above; spines often long (up to 4 cm), arranged mostly in tufts or clusters, especially at the branch tips; branching open or compact...

Hericium coralloides

For more information on Hericium coralloides please review the following links:

Monday, November 16, 2015

Specimen #18: Stemonitis

1. Stemonitis
Figure 2. Threads that make up the stalk

Phylum: Mycetzoa
Family: Stemonitdae
Genus: Stemonitis
Collection date: 9/8/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: Growing on the top of deadwood at the James. H. Barrow Field Station
Description: This acellular specimen was found growing on the top of deadwood. It is composed of many tightly packed fruiting bodies that measure between 0.5 and 1 cm tall  containing a stalk and sporangia. The stalk and sporangia were dark brown, but the sporangia became lighter as the dark spores were released (fig. 1). The stalk is made up of threads as seen in figure 2.
Key used: Keller, H. W., & K. L. Braun. (1999). Myxomycetes of Ohio: Their systematics, biology, and use in teaching. Columbus, Oh; Ohio Biological Survey College of Biological Sciences The Ohio State University.

Key to the Orders of Mycomycetes, p. 41
1. Spores borne internally within fructifications as a powdery spore mass surrounded by an acellular peridium...
2. Fruiting bodies larger and of various types and shapes, either sessile or stalked; not with the above combination of characters...
3. Capillitium present as true threads; collumella present or absent...
4. Spores dark colored black, violet-brown, purple-brown, or dark red in mass.
5. Calcerous deposits absent from fruitifications; stalk when present hollow or partially filled with strands...

Stemonitales, p. 98
1. Fructification sporangiate or sometimes massed together into a pseudoaethalium...
3. Fructification sporangiate, sporangia free or clustered, sometimes united into a pseudoaethalium, but then capillitium  not in coiled spirals...
4. Peridium single, not gelatinous when wet...
5. Collumella present; peridium variable but not as above...
6. Columella without a cupulate apical disk, the capillitium arising from the entire columella or from the sporgangial base...
7. Fructifications of various types, sessile or stalked stalks not translucent, either hollow or with fibrous strands usually larger than 0.5 mm in diameter...
8. Peridium early evanescent or, if present, thin, membranous, delicate...
9. Capillitial threads not united into a surface net, sometimes with a subsurface network, but with many free ends...

For more information on Stemonitis please review the following links:

Specimen #17: Protococcus

Figure 1. Protococccus

Phylum: Chlorophyta
Genus: protococcus
Collection Date: 11/20/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This specimen was collected from a public wooden bench in Hiram Ohio.
Description: This algae specimen is unicellular, although it tends to be clumped together. It has no visible flagella, and is green.
Key used: Rainis, K. G. & Russel, B . J. (1996). Guide to microlife. Danbury, CT; Franklin Watts (Grolier Publishing).

Protista, p. 78
1b. Organism without stalk; free-swimming, grouped together, floating, or as a filament...
3b. Colored...
4a. Cells are gree and contain chloroplasts (tiny bags of green pigment)...
5b. Overall threadlike or treelike appearance; cells arranged either end-to-end comprising a filament or in branching filaments like tiny evergreen trees (pigment green, not yellow)...
6b Single cell, or group of cells, either motile (with flagella) or motionless and lack distinct glasslike walls...

Chlorophyta, p. 134


For more information on Protococcus please review the following links:

Specimen #13: Smooth Earthball

Schleroderma cepa

Figure 1. Schleroderma cepa

Figure 2. Schleroderma cepa skin

Figure 3. Mature spores of Schleroderma cepa

Figure 4. Stalk of Schleroderma cepa

Figure 5. Mycelium of Schleroderma cepa

Phylum: Basidiomycota
Family: Schlerodermataceae
Species: Schleroderma cepa
Common name: Smooth Earthball
Collection date: 10/8/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This specimen was found growing above ground on the soil and deadwood at the James H. Barrow Field Station.
Description: This puffball was growing above ground on the soil and on deadwood. When young, it was white in color, but has turned a tan to brown with age (fig. 1 & 2). Some cracking has also occurred with age, but it has remained firm (fig. 2) . This is a smaller specimen that ranged between 1-4 cm in diameter. A small stalk was present in one specimen (fig. 4)  At the base of the earthball, there is a thick mycelium is present (fig. 5). When mature the spores are a dark blackish gray (fig. 3).
Key used: Arora, D. (1986). Mushrooms demystified (2nd ed.)

Key to the Gastromycetes, p. 67
1. Fruiting body differently constructed and usually larger than aove...
2. Not as above (but fruiting body may be slimy or malodorous at some stage)...
3. Stalk absent or rudimentary...
7.Spore case rupturing or disintegrating at maturity; spore mass firm and solid when young (chambers if present hardly discernible), powdery or cottony when mature annd usually dispersing fairly soon; columella (internal stalk) typically absent; mature fruiting body usually (but not always) above the ground; found in many habitats...

Lycoperdales & Allies, p. 677
1. Not as above (fruiting body may rupture in starlike fashion, but if so then there is no separate spore case within)...
2. Spore mass not containing peridioles, or if so then the periodoiles  consierably larger than grains of sand (usually appearing more like seeds)...
4. Not as above; peridioles absent; spores produced in a single large chamber (the spore case)...
5. Spore case typically hard or tough with a thick rindlike skin, at least when young; spore mass white when very young but soon darkening (usually purple-gray to black) while remaining firm, eventually becoming dark brown to blackish and powdery; basidia not borne in a hymenium; capillitium absent...

Schleroderma , p. 707
1. Not as above; mature spores ornamented; found underground or above; common...
2. Not as above; fruiting above the ground, or if underground then usually with an obvious base or point of attachment; peridium not  marbled in cross-section; spores borne on basidia...
3. Not as above; either peridium thinner (averaging 1-4 mm) or not rupturing into starlike lobes;fruiting body fairly small to medium-sized (rarely large)...
4. Not as above ("stalk" if present shorter and/or habitat different)...
5. Not as above; peridium typically smooth (at least when young) but often becoming fisured or cracking and peeling to form scales in age...
7. Spores spiny but not reticulate...

Scleroderma cepa

For more information on Schleroderma cepa please review the following links:

Specimen #16: Tassel Moss

Herzogiella striatella
Figure 1. Herzogiella striatella

Figure 2. Herzogiella striatella leaves
Figure 3. Herzogiella striatella. Note branching pattern and angles of leaves

Figure 4. Herzogiella striatella leaves

Figure 5. Herzogiella striatella sporophyte

Phylum: Byophyta
Family: Hypnaceae
Species: Herzogiella striatella
Common Name: Tassel Moss
Collection date: 9/8/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: Found on deadwood at the James. H Barrow Field Station
Description: This specimen is a pleurocarpous moss with rounded ovate leaves that lack a midrib (fig. 2). The general shape and arrangements of the leaves when looked at with the naked eye is reminiscent of a pine or 'Christmas' tree (fig. 4 & 5). When wet, the leaves spread widely from the stem (fig. 1 & 2).
Key used: McKnight, K. B. et al (2013). Princeton field guides: Common mosses of the northeast and Appalachians. Princeton, NJ; Princeton University Press.

Pleurocarps with ovate leaves without midrib, p.  369
1. Branches flattened; leaves appear to come off on either side of stem, more or less in one plane...
2. Leaves wide-spreading 60-90 degrees from stem, not crowded, not or loosely overlapping; stem mostly visible between leaves...
5. Stems lacking tiny branchlets at base of leaves...
7. Plants rather weakly flattened with a fuzzy, airy appearance; leaves abruptly  tapered to a long, narrow tip...
8. Leaves spreading in various directions with straight tips; leaf bases running down stem...

Herzogiella striatella

For more information on Herzogiella striatella please review the following links:

Species #15: Tangled Thread Moss

Hygroamblystegium varium

Figure 1. Leaf of Hygroamblystegium varium. Note the midrib.

Figure 2.  Stem and Leaves of Hygroamblystegium varium

Figure 3. Hygroamblystegium varium leaf

Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Amblystegiaceae
Species: Hygroamblysteigium varium
Common name: Tangled Thread Moss
Collection date: 9/5/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This specimen was found growing on a moist rock among other other moss and liverwort species. 
Description: This species was found growing exclusively on a moist rock along other moss and liverworts. It is a smaller pleurocarpous moss with a well defined midrib. The particular specimen collected is young and very small with stems rarely exceeding 1 cm, Under the microscope leaves are nearly translucent (apart from the midrib). The leaf tips are pointed, while the rest of the leaf is smooth. 
Key used: McKnight, K. B. et al. (2013.) Princeton field guides: Common mosses of the northesast and Appalachians. Princeton, NJ; Princeton University Press.

Pleurocarps with ovate leaves with midrib, p. 365
1. Plants not pinnately, but sparsely or irregularly branched (not feather or fernlike)...
10. Stems either branched nearly to base or sparsely  branched, but without a "trunk and crown"...
13.Plants on various usbstrates in moist to dry habitats (usually not dripping wet when collected)...
19.Plants midsized to large (branches mostly longer than 2 cm and wider than 1 mm); leaves 1-3 mm long...
20. Leaves more elongate, not close to circular, not or gently cupped; branches cylindrical to somewhat flatteneed, not plump...
21. Leaf tips pointed...
22. Plants similar wet or dry (leaves may spread slightly more when wet); leaves not leated...
23. Capsule with conical lid; branches not flattened; leaf edges smooth...
24. Capsuules strongly contracted below mouth when dry; capsule stalk smooth, without tiny bumps...

Hygroamblystegium varium

For more information on Hygroamblystegium varium please review the following links:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Specimen #14: Candle Wax Lichen

Ahtiana sp.

Fig. 1 Upper cortex of Ahtiana  with soredia present

Figure 2. apothecia of Ahtiana

Figure 3. K- upper cortex of Ahtiana

Figure 4. rhizines of Ahtiana

Figure 5. Ahtiana
Phylum: Ascomycota
Family: Permeliaceae
Genus: Ahtiana
Common name: Candle Wax Lichen
Collection date: 11/7/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: Found on a fallen twig in Hiram Ohio
Description: This foliose lichen was found tightly adhered to a downed twig. The upper cortex is a green-gray (fig. 5) with soredia  prominent under a dissecting scope (fig. 1). Brown apothecia of various sizes cover much of the surface of the lichen (fig. 2). The upper cortex is K- and made up of narrow lobes(fig. 3). The lower cortex and rhizines are pale in color(fig. 4).
Key Used: Showan, R. E. & D. G. Flenniken. (2004). The Macrolichens of Ohio. Columbus, Ohio; Ohio Biological Survey.

1. Thallus foliose...
2. Thallus some shade of gray, green, yellow-green, brown, or black; not as above...
4. Thallus thick or thin, not gelatinous when wet; white medullary fibers usually apparent; color various...
6. Rhizines present from lower surface...
11. Parithecia absent; apothecia, if present, saucer-shaped and superficial on the surface of the thallus...
13. Thallus not umbilicate, attached to the substrate by a mat of short, numerous rhizines; on rock, soil, or bark...
15. Thallus contains green algae...
19. Medulla white or whitish, sometimes stained pale buff or pink due to aging, chemicals, or weathering...
24. Thallus various, but without paw-shaped, or fist-shaped lobe tips...
26. Lower surface with sparse to moderate or occasionally numerous rhizines, variable in color and length but not forming a uniform, brown, velvety nap...
28. Upper cortex K- or K+ weak yellow (atronorin); lobes variable in width...
29. Lower surface with a cortex throughout; lobes narrow or broad; K+ or K-...
30. Thallus without pores, may be uniform or variously cracked, ridged, or white-maculate...
35. Thallus soe shade of gray, gray-green, greenish, brown, or gray-brown...
36. Thallus some gray, gray-green, or greenish in color...
38. Lobes generally narrow and linear, 0.5-6 mm wide, apically obtuse; thallus usually adnate to appressed...
42. Under-surface white to tan...
43. Apothecia and/or pycnidia common, marginal; lobes ascending...

Ahtiana sp.

For more information on Ahtiana please review the following links:

Specimen #12 Parmotrema margaritatum

Parmotrema margaritatum
Figure 1. Upper cortex of Parmotrema margaritatum

Figure 2. Soredia on lobed margins of parmotrema margaritatum

Figure 3. K- upper cortex of Parmtrema margaitatum

Figure 4. K+ Medulla of Parmotrema margaritatum

Figure 5. Rhizines of Parmotrema margaritatum

Phylum: Ascomycota
Family: Parmeliaceae
Species: Parmotrema margariatum
Collection date: 10/22/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This lichen was found growing on the bark of tree on the Hiram College Campus.
Description: This is a greenish-gray lichen found growing on trees on the Hiram College Campus (Fig. 1). The upper cortex is K- (Fig. 3). The medulla is white but is K+ (turning yellow) as shown in figure 3. Rhizines are a dark brown in color and absent along the margins of the lower surface  and prevalent elsewhere (Fig. 5).  The edges of the lichen are not attached to the bark substrate unlike the center of the lichen, which is well secured to the tree. A knife or razor bland is needed to collect the specimen without damage, On the upper surface, the wide lobe margins are covered in soredia (fig. 2).
Key Used: Showman, R. E. & D .G. Flenniken. (2004). The macrolichens of Ohio. Colombus, Ohio; Ohio Biological Survey.

1. Thallus foliose...
2. Thallus some shade of gray, green, yellow-green, brown, or balck; not as above...
4. Thallus thick or thin, not gelatinous when wet; white medullary fibers sually apparent; various colors...
6. Rhizines present from lower surface (may be massed as a felty mat or umbilicate)...
11.Perithecia absent; apothecia, if present, sauce-shaped and superficial on the surface of the thallus...
13. Thallus not umbililcate, broadl attached to the substrate with scattered rhizines; on rock, soil, or bark...
15. Thallus contain green algae...
19. Medulla white or whitish sometimes stained pale buff or pink due to aging, chemicals, or weathering...
24.Thallus various, but without paw-shaped or fist-shaped lobe tips...
26. Lower surface with sparse to moderate or occasionally numerous rhizines, variable in color and length but not forming a uniform, brown, velvety nap...
28. Upper cortex K- or K+ weak yellow (atranorin); lobes variable in width...
29. Lower surface of the cortex throughtout; lobes narrow or broad; K+ or K-...
30. Thallus without pores, may be uniform or varisouly cracked, ridged, or white-maculate...
35. Thallus some shade of gray, gray-green, greenish, brown, or gray-brown...
36. Thallus some gray, gray-green, or greenish in color...
38. Thallus broadly foliose, the lobes 4-20 mm wide, apically rounded; thallus usually loosely attached with lobes tips somewhat ascending...
39. Lower surface with marginal bare zone free of rhizines (although cilia usually present); upper surface smooth to wrinkled, but without maculae or patterned cracking...
Parmotrema, p. 146
1. Corex some shade of gray, usinic acid absent, isidiate or not...
3. Thallus sorediate...
4. Soralia marginal or submarginal, cilia and upper cortex various...
5. Upper surface not white-maculate pattern...
7. Medulla K- or K+ turning red, salzinic acid present...
8. Medulla K+ yellow turning red, salazinic acid present, UV-...

Parmotrema margaritatum
For more information on Parmotrema margaritatum please review the following links:

Specimen #11: Crispy Tuft Moss

Ulota crispa
Figure 1. leaf of Ulota crispa

Figure 2. Leaf tip of Ulota crispa with midrib

Figure 3. Capsule of Ulota crispa

Figure 4: Ulota crispa  with reddish stems
Figure 5. Ulota crispa tuft
Figure 6. Ulota crispa when wet
Figure 7. Ulota crispa capsules
Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Orthotrichaceae
Species: Ulota crispa
Common name: Crispy Tuft Moss
Collection date: 10/29/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This specimen was found on the bark of a recently fallen tree at the James. H. Barrow Field Station.
Description: This is a minuscule specimen is acrocarpous. The tuft has a circumference equivalent to a U.S. nickel consisting of tightly packed branches (fig. 5 & 6). At most, this moss is 5 mm tall including the height of the sporophyte. The gametophyte is just 2 mm tall. The lance shaped leaves are only a few mm long with a well defined midrib that ends just before the leaf tip(fig. 1 & 2). The stems have a slight reddish hue, while the rest of the plant is a darker green. When dry, the leaves curl into the stem, but the leaves spread out into a near star pattern when wet (fig. 5 & 6). The capsules rise above the gametophyte and are easily visible. The capsules have slight striations and teeth (fig. 3, 5, & 7).    
Key used: McKnight, K. B., et al. (2013). Princeton field guides: Common mosses of the notheast and Appalachians. Princeton , NJ; Princeton University Press.

Acrocarps with lance shaped leaves, p. 342
1. Plants darker green, yellow green, or brownish black, shoots loosely associated or if densely packed then not in domed mounds; leaves flat or folded but  not tubular, with midrib usually visible at least at base of leave...
3. Plants on soil, rocks, trees, or logs in dry areas, or if in wetter areas, not submerged in water; leaves not folded at base...
4. Leaf surface not rippled or wavy when wet...
9.Leaves <4 mm long...
21. Leaves spread in various directions or barely diverging from stem when wet; plants lacking brood branchlets...
22. Plants 0.2 - 2 cm tall...
34. Plants growing on bark of trees (above tree base)...
35. Shoots in clusters, not connected by creeping stems...
36. Capsules on stalks well above leaves, stalks clearly visible...
38. Leaves tightly curled and contorted when dry; capsules cylindrical, with 8 ribs when dry, mouth as broad as capsule...

Ulota crispa

For more information on Ulota crispa please review the following links:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Specimen #10: Bird's Nest Fungus

Cyathus striatus

Figure 1. Cyathus striatus Note the fuzzy exterior and striated interior of the peridium.
 Figure 2. Top view of Cyathus striatus. Note the grayish egg connected to the side of the 'nest'.

Figure 3. Young Cyathus striatus with 'lid' still present

Figure 4. Cyathus striatus growing in the mulch

Phylum: Basidiomycota
Family: Nidulariaceae
Species: Cyathus striatus
Common name:Bird's Nest Fungus
Collection date: 9/2/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This specimen was found in a shady mulch pile in Bonney Castle Garden (Hiram, OH. It was fairly dry.
Description: This specimen has multiple stages of development as shown above. Figure 3 shows a young peridium that still has it's 'lid'.  This species has a fuzzy-like exterior (fig. 1& 3) and a striated interior (fig. 1). It is commonly found on mulch (as the case of this specimen). White to gray eggs (peridioles) are inside the ' nest' and are attached to the side (fig. 2).
Key used: Arora, D. (1986). Mushrooms demystified: A comprehensive guide to the fleshy fungi (2nd ed.). Berkley: Ten Speed Press.

Bird's Nest Fungi
Nidulariales p. 778
1. Not as above; fruiting body cylindrical to mug or cup-shaped when mature, containing more than one egg (unless all but one have been expelled)...
2. Not as above; fruiting body typically with a "lid" when very young, the nest usually well formed and persistent; eggs may or may not be imbedded in a mucilage...
4. Eggs white to gray, brown, or black, often (but not always) attached to side of nest by a minute cord or short stalk, not imbedded in a mucilage; sides of nest vertical to tapered...
6. Interior of nest longitudinally striate (with distinct radical grooves)...

Cyathus striatus

For more information on Cyathus striatus please review the following links:

Specimen #9: Nut Moss

Diphyscium foliosum

Figure 1. Diphyscium foliosum

Figure 2. Midrib of Diphyscium foliosum

Figure 3. Leaf of Diphyscium foliosum with papillae

Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Buxbaumiaceae
Species: Diphyscium foliosum
Common name: Nut moss
Collection date: 10/8/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This specimen was found on a damp partially sunny rock face along a stream at the James H. Barrow Field Station.
Description: The most prominent feature of this plant, the 'nut' capsule measures only 4-5 mm tall.
Key used: McKnight, K. B. et al. (2013). Princeton field guides: Common mosses of northeast and Appalachians. Princeton, NJ; Princeton University Press.

Acrocarps with tongue shaped leaves p. 354
1. leaves arranged in more than two rows  and coming out all around stem; wet plants not flat or not resembling ferns...
6. plants less than or equal to 1.5 cm tall...
8. leaves with rounded tips;capsules 3 mm long, shaped like a wheat kernel, stalkless...

Diphyscium foliosum

For more information on Diphyscium folisoum please review the following links:

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Specimen #8: Corn horn peat moss

Sphagnum subsecundum 

 Figure 1. Apical head of Sphagnum subsecundum not the 'twisted' appearance and branching fascicles.

Figure 2. Cellular structure of Sphagnum

Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Sphagnaceae
Species: Sphagnum subsecundum
Common name: Corn horn peat moss
Collection date: 9/10/2015
Collector: Caroline Kaylor Georskey
Habitat: This specimen was found in the Triangle Lake Bog in thin mats.
Description: This moss has the bunching fascicles typical of Sphagnum. Although the plant is primarily a light green, the tips of the branches have a  brownish hue.
Key used: McKnight, K. B. et al. (2013). Princeton field guides: Common mosses of the northeast
and Appalachians. Princeton, NJ; Princeton University Press.

Peat Moss p. 376
1. Branch leaves with margins flat to somewhat incurved tip long-pointed, not hooded; stem cross-section without conspicuous cortex, less than 1/4 diameter of stem; branches slender, stringy or spiky...
5. Clusters of 5 or fewer branches attached at one point; apical head large or small but not as dense as pom-pom; stems stiff to flexible; plants typically grow as cushions, mats, or carpets either in forests or open habitats such as bogs, fens, or sedge meadow...
6. Branch leaves with apical half gradually narrowed and not bent outward from base (some species may have leaf tips reflexed outward when dry)...
7. Plants green, yellowish, or brownish with no traces of red...
10. Apical head with curved branches and thus appearing twisted when viewed from above...

Sphagnum subsecundum
